1. with mathematics we will be able to keep track our finances. avoiding from a lack of money or bankruptcy by knowing many important aspects such as interest rates on bank accounts and loans for houses or car. Mathematics is important not only on our financial lives but it's also important in many other parts of our lives. for example the use of maths when we are in the kitchen. in the kitchen we need to measure and calculate numbers when we cook, figure out the sums for cooking a cake. so mathematics is for the prevention of a terrible- tasting disaster.
2. The electric streetcar was invented by an engineer in after
1880. It’s using a wire overhead which is the most important future of the
streetcar in the united states. Due to the wire overhead, the electric
streetcar was not necessary to have a dangerous electric rail running along the
street at ground level. The electric streetcar also very profitable and efficient. it was not polluting without costing very much money for the passengers during the next 20 or 30 years from 1880 onwards. however early in the next century automobile manufacturers and others had replaced them with buses and cars.